Philosophical Thought of the Day
"Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life... Because almost everything — all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure — these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important."
(2005: Stanford's Commencement Speech)
- Steve Jobs
We should not mourn the passing of Steve Jobs, instead we should celebrate the fact that he lived. But Steve Jobs did so much more then just simply live, he single handedly change the world. When I ask myself if it is possible for one person the change the world there are only a small handful of people that come to mind. Steve Jobs was one of these people. He was a visionary of the future, and that is where he spent most of his days. He was always thinking about how I can wake up today and make a better world tomorrow. Steve Jobs has followed in the foot steps of a select few, and he has indelibly left his mark on the world forever.
A commencement speech in honor of Mr. Nikola Tesla's body of work nearly a hundred years earlier perfectly sums up the mark Steve Jobs has left on this world.
(I have modified it for Steve Jobs)
"Were we to seize and eliminate from our technology filled world the result of Mr. Job's work, the wheels of communication would grind back to a crawl, we wouldn't be able to carry the world in our pockets, our friends and family would still be wondering what we were doing, and of course we would be wondering what everyone else was doing. His name marks an epoch in the advance of computer science...Nature and nature's laws lay hid by night. God said 'Let Jobs be' and all was light."
- Robby Silk