Philosophical Thought of the Day


We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.

- Dalai Lama

Finding our inner peace is incredibly difficult to achieve. The main reason is that we often identify ourself as one person, a singular voice that radiates from within. But in reality we are a culmination of many selves that all have a distinct personality. To visualize this is very easy, we have all seen a TV show or a movie where there is an angel sitting on a persons shoulder, and on the opposite shoulder sits a devil. This example is extremely cliche, but it serves to make a point. 

We are much more complex than most people give themselves credit for. And in order for us to truly make peace with ourselves these inner dialogues need to be understood and conquered. I have started this journey of finding my inner peace, and since starting it has been an incredibly eye opening experience for me. Breaking down our own inner dialogues is liberating, intriguing, and a life changing experience. 

- Robby Silk

For those who are interested in learning more about yourself I recommend reading the below book. It will take you on an inner journey where you will finally start to understand how our brain works. It is full of simple exercise that start mapping each distinct voice that we hear everyday.