What are Dreams?
Fulfilling your dreams start at a young age...
When does a simple dream become a hard fought reality? If you want to know the difference try asking yourself this one simple question? Are you prepared to work on your dreams over not a matter of days or weeks, but in measurements of years? Can you stay focused, plan, and work for years to make your dreams a reality? Dreams are amazing things, and I love everyday when I get a chance to let my dreams run wild.
The hard part is separating the dreams that simply make us feel good, and the ones that we can't imagine living without. If you only had one year to live what dreams would you accomplish? Forget thinking about what would you do with one day or week left to live. That's because real dreams take time and dedication to accomplish. Something like skydiving or driving a race car for a moment are great experiences, but they don't complete your life. They help fill the spaces inbetween the time when real dreams are being realized.
Remember you're never too young or old, it's never too early or late, there's never a more perfect time then now, and you'll never have the time if you're waiting. Dreams are accomplished during the most difficult times in your life when everything and everyone is against you. Working on your dreams is a grueling process that will beat you into the ground. Dreams never tell you to keep going; they're always whispering in your ear telling you that it's too hard, that you're too tired, or that accomplishing them is something other people do. They are tricky nasty things just below the surface, but they shine bright on the outside and fill your soul at their core.
So are you prepared to take your own journey and carve your own path?
- Robby Silk